"Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go,
and will bring you back to this land.
For I will not leave you until I have done what
I have promised you."
~Genesis 28:15
Thank you to everyone who was able to join us Sunday morning for our Vacation Bible Celebration. It may well have been our best attendance at a VBS Celebration Sunday since we started hosting the event at our south campus. It was beautiful to see all the children sharing their praises with their families and our congregation.
For those of you who were not able to join us, go to our Facebook page to view the awesome video that was shown during the service. Thanks to Otis Turner for the creation of this great piece. Click on the link below to go to our page and while you're there, like our page to keep connected with our children's ministry updates:
...and the link you've all been patiently waiting for...the picture link. Just click on the link below to access the album. Many thanks to the talents of our one-man VBS paparazzi, Mr. Chris Bradshaw, for this collection of moments from Vacation Bible School at Timothy Lutheran:
We would also like to make sure everyone knows we are certainly not all about children at Timothy! We welcome your entire family to join us to explore your faith and enjoy fellowship with us. We encourage you to visit our website's Get Connected page and see if we have something that fit's your faith needs. We also have some specific ministry groups you might be interested in:
- CROSSWAYS: If you were with us on Sunday, you heard Pastor John talk about his weekly class beginning September 6 at 7:00pm . It is a weekly study, walking through the Bible. If you are interested in joining the group, sign up online and get ready for a great experience of digging deeper into the Word!
- JOURNEYMEN: Our men's group that provides a variety of opportunities for men to connect and support one another in building their faith. Check out their website for more information about upcoming activities and studies.
- WOMEN OF HOPE: Our women's group offers events, studies, missions projects and more for women to grow in faith and fellowship. For more information, please contact our Director of Care Ministry, Nancy Nowiszewski.
- LWML: The Lutheran's Women's Missionary League is a long-standing tradition in the Lutheran faith. Our congregation hosts four groups of LWML: Elizabeth Circle, Mary Martha Circle, Ruth Circle, and Lutheran Urban Mission Agency Auxiliary. Please contact the church for more information about getting involved in their important work.
Thank you, again, for being a part of our Vacation Bible School at Timothy Lutheran and sharing your children with us! We hope to see you on Friday, August 12 at 6:30pm at our family movie night, "God's Not Dead 2"--don't forget to register so we'll have enough food for everyone.
God's blessings to all your families
from all of us at
Timothy Lutheran Ministries
as you transition into your fall routines!